After a year without seeing friends and family, playing outside, or going to in-person school, kids really deserved to end 2020 on a high note. But so many holiday traditions just wouldn’t be the same that year—especially the time-honored tradition of telling Santa all your Christmas wishes. With malls and other public venues closed, it looked like Santa wasn’t going to be making any in-person visits this year. But T-Mobile was determined to connect kids to Santa the same way it had been connecting everyone else in a socially distanced year: through video calls. With a sign-up page allowing parents to personalize their child’s visit and a diverse array of Santas speaking English, Spanish, and ASL, every kid got a special Santa experience perfectly tailored to them. And the giving didn’t stop there: we even helped a few lucky families out with gift cards to make sure their Christmas wishes came true. We spread the Christmas cheer far and wide, reaching over 3 million people and totally filling up all our slots in just 2 hours—and for helping save Christmas, we secured a spot on Santa’s nice list indefinitely.