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My name is Lexi Acevedo. That’s Acevedo with the c before the v. But no matter how many times I reminded my classmates, they still insisted on calling me Avocado. They called me that to tease me because I was the only Mexican in school. I didn’t care because avocados were delicious.

Like many teased kids, I became a writer. I’ve written copy for places like FCB Chicago, RPA, 9thWonder, Conill Saatchi and Saatchi, and Paramount—and for clients like Honda, T-Mobile, and Nationwide. Maybe someday, I’ll be lucky enough to write for you.

I do plenty of writing for fun—comics, scripts, and gourmet tea reviews, among other things.

And I do plenty of non-writing for fun, too—drawing, taking screenwriting and storyboarding classes, cooking and baking, folding origami, devouring cartoons, sipping gourmet tea, and trying not to wipe out on my skateboard.

If you’d like to talk about cartoons, a potential opportunity, or why opossums are the most underrated marsupial on the planet, you can reach me at l_acevedo@ymail.com. Can’t wait to meet you!